A woman in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada, was putting out her trash in May 2016 and spotted a backpack, which appeared to be moving. Inside, she found a young orange tiger cat on the verge of death, inside another bag. He had been beaten and was near death.
The good cat Samaritan immediately called Alberta Animal Services. It didn't look as though the cat, now named Hiro, would make it through the night, but he managed to struggle through, and then through another day, and another. Within a week, he began to improve.
To his rescuers' surprise, Hiro held no grudges. He turned out to be a loving, happy cat who cuddled up to them and showed his gratitude every way a feline can. Feral and abused cats often end up never trusting humans again, but not Hiro.
Hiro needed more surgery on his hips. But now that he had some of his strength back, he came through it stronger than before.
In June, Hiro was well enough to go to a foster home for the rest of his recovery.
By the end of two months, he had fully recovered and was ready for adoption.
The rescuers eventually discovered an appropriate, loving family for Hiro. He was off to his forever home.
His family also offered to pay for a quarter of the next ten adoption fees to help pay back his medical care.
Hiro is now Hiro Stanley, a cat hero for other cats in need, and has his own Facebook page.