Reporter drops everything to save dog that he saw running through traffic

Dave McMenamin is a noted sports writer for the ESPN. His specialty is basketball and the NBA. But while he was in San Antonio, Tx on January 23, 2018, on the way to covering a game between the San Antonio Spurs and Cleveland Cavaliers, he saw a dog running around in the middle of the road.
McMenamin immediately stopped to help the disheveled, long-haired, brown dog. After coaxing him into his rental car, McMenamin soon dubbed him "Buddy." Then he took to Twitter for advice on what to do next. The response was immediate and huge.
Adoption was out of the question. McMenamin is on the road 150 days a year. But he was growing attached to the friendly little pup and wanted to make sure the dog got a happy ending.
After getting directions to a nearby animal shelter from social media, McMenamin took Buddy there, documenting on Twitter their trip as they went. The ongoing saga was a hit with his Twitter followers. After a final cuddle, he took Buddy into the shelter.
To Buddy's great fortune, it turned out he had an owner who had microchipped him. The next day, McMenamin was able to report that Buddy's owner had been found and was coming to pick him up the following day. Also, his real name was Rockstar.
Buddy had had a close call with traffic, but thanks to McMenamin's quick thinking, he and his owner got a happy ending.
Even if he had to endure a flea bath and a rather embarrassing shave before he went home.
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