7+ adorable puppies just doing what puppies do best

Puppies are some of the cutest animals in the world. They are small, fluffy, wriggly, and absolutely adorable. While we can't always be around puppies, we can brighten our day with some funny clips of them doing what they do best: embodying cuteness.
If you're looking for a pick me up, check out these videos. These puppies will definitely put a smile on your face. Check out these clips and immerse your self in puppy love.
1. Here's a puppy who enjoys imitating his owner.
This Corgi puppy's owner howled to him, and as puppies do, he tries his best to mimc his pack leader. Watch as this little guy gives his best baby howl in the video below.
2. This puppy loves his watermelon.
Here's a puppy who is so tiny that he fits inside a watermelon. It's a good thing that melon seems to be his favorite treat! Check out the cuteness in this clip.
3. If you can't reach the pedals, try, try again.
He may be too small to reach the pedals, but this puppy is still going along for the ride. In this clip, this sweet pup air cycles while his owner does the hard work. Sounds like a great philosophy to us! Watch this puppy bike his little heart out in this video.
4. This pup is convinced the mop is a new toy.
It doesn't take much to entertain an eight-week-old Golden Retriever, and this little fella has found a new toy: the floor mop. He's not sure what it's supposed to do, but it moves around which makes it fair game. Watch this puppy play in the video below.
5. Is it a friend or an enemy?
Here is a cutie who has been given his first ice cube, and he's not quite sure what to make of it. Is it a toy to play with, or something weird to bark at? Watch the video below and see what you think.
6. These puppies are not big on bath time.
Just like many children, these two Husky pups are not fans of baths. Unlike the illusion of puppies relaxing peacefully in the warm water, these two babies are not thrilled with their circumstances, and the looks on their faces say it all. Look at their reactions in the following clip.
7. Sometimes puppies can get a bit ahead of themselves.
Here is a puppy who is so excited to get to his owner that he takes a tumble down the stairs. Check out his fall and his swift recovery in this video.