Need a good laugh? Then you have to check out this great video. The trainer, Tommie Turvey, and his horse, Pokerjoe, are absolutely fabulous, and they're hilarious, too. Their act, called "The Riding Instructor," highlights just how wrong things can go when you're working with horses. But it also shines light on how horses can have a great sense of humor, and in the end, it's always fun when horses are involved.
Turvey is a professional horse trainer known for his stunning displays of horsemanship. He tours the country performing shows and demonstrations, and you're also likely to see him on TV. According to, Turvey has trained horses for both commercials and TV shows, including some of the Budweiser Super Bowl commercials and The Walking Dead.
So what makes Turvey a standout trainer? Well, he's skilled in getting horses to do just about anything. Not only can he train horses in your standard movements under saddle, but he trick trains them with incredible skill. Turvey has trained horses to sit, lie down, pull tack off of their backs, pull blankets over themselves, rear on command, and perform any other number of tricks and stunts.
When you're training a horse to work in television, it's important that they are both safe and reliable, especially when working around actors. The effectiveness of Turvey's training is evident in this video of him and Pokerjoe. Watch how quickly the horse responds to Turvey's subtle signals. The performance is accurate and flows beautifully. That's a sign of a well-trained horse who trusts his trainer, and of a trainer who really knows what he's doing.
Want to catch Turvey in action? Then keep an eye out at major horse expos and events. Chances are you'll be able to see him perform one of his awesome demos in the near future.