Andrew Wroble, who lives in Colleyville, Texas and just graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, wanted to surprise his mom this year with a special Mother's Day gift, but he couldn't think of anything appropriate. All he had to work with were a Groupon credit for $13, a free session at the J. C. Penney photo studio, and his gorgeous year-old Russian Blue cat, Charlie. Charlie was game, so Wroble decided to do a series of professional photos posing with his cat.
With Charlie's help, the photos came out looking great. So great that Wroble's family compared them to engagement photos. Everyone had such a good laugh, including his mom, that on May 23, 2017, Wroble decided to share the joke with the world. He uploaded the photos to Reddit and almost immediately ended up with about 700,000 hits.
He also uploaded some of them to Twitter three days later, racking up a bunch of hits and retweets. Several people reassured him there were far worse things he could be doing than posing for cute photos with his cat.
Wroble has received many suggestions for future potential photo shoots. He's said he's game, though he warned he'd need to wait for more Groupon credits. Meanwhile, he is contemplating dressing Charlie up next time. Though whether a handsome boy like Charlie needs dressing up is another story.
Charlie, being a Russian Blue (generally a very calm breed), seemed to take it all in stride. The photos especially highlight his breed's beautiful eyes.
But there are times when he appears to be expressing an opinion about the whole thing, as Russian Blues do. Sometimes, he's approving.
Sometimes, not so much.
It's possible that suggestion to put clothes on him may need to be put on hold.
But throughout, Charlie appears to trust his cat daddy to keep him safe from the camera. If these photos show one thing without question, it's a young man's love for his cat.