It was a hot summer day in Fallbrook, CA, the last week of August 2017, when a man working in a grove for oranges and avocados heard dogs whimpering. It didn't seem to come from anywhere, so he didn't give it much thought at first.
But as the days went on, it started to bother him, so he tried to find the source of the sound. That was when he realized it was underground – under his feet, in fact.
He dug down toward the sound until he reached a drainage pipe. Inside, he saw eyes staring out at him. Two Labrador Retrievers, one female (two years old) and one male (five) were trapped in the pipe.
They were so hungry and thirsty from their ordeal that the male couldn't even walk when they first arrived at the San Diego County Department of Animal Services. Fortunately, they both recovered quickly once they arrived at a nearby vet, and were given food and water.
This was partly thanks to their close bond. Authorities speculate that one fell in through a hole and the other one got stuck trying to help the first one. Since the dogs had no collars or chips, Animal Services was unable to find any owners and no one ever came forward.
The dogs have since been put up for adoption. Due to their bond (it is believed they are closely related), Animal Services will only adopt them out together to the same home.