7+ clever dogs that are just too smart and too cute to handle

It's time to take a few moments to celebrate man's best friend for his athleticism, talent, and smarts. Who amongst us doesn't admire some aspect of their dog's personality? Who doesn't cheer when their dog makes that incredible in-the-air ball catch? So let's toast to some of the cleverest and quickest canines out there.
Are you ready to smile? Watch these videos and be amazed, then share this article with your dog-loving friends and family.
1. This Frenchie is better at the cup game than most people. When a treat is on the line, this Frenchie ups his game. No matter how many times the cups get switched, this dog has his eye on the ball ... or treat. Watch this talented dog win some snacks!
2. This police dog gets the best seat in the car. The clever police canine waits for his handler's command, then races to the car, hops in, and closes the door behind him! Of course, he's got the best seat because he gets to stretch out and nap on the way back to the station. Check out this talent level!
3. Happy Birthday, sweet puppy! Just like any good birthday celebrator, Ziggy Trixx waits until he blows out his candle before he eats his "cake." Try not to be overwhelmed by how this dog's total adorability! Watch and smile.
4. Let's breakdance! In this amazing video, Ziggy Trixx mimics each move of breakdancer Digit from Ok World Wide. Check out these incredible moves and be amazed!
5. It's so much fun to go zipping and skating! Ziggy Trixx again shows off his immense jumping abilities, but he also has some pretty sweet skateboarding skills. Look at this clip of Ziggy entertaining the crowd at Southend on Sea.
6. He's got a future in modeling. This dog wants to be part of the party, and that included the mannequin challenge. The people in the video are doing an admirable job of staying still, but the dog steals the show. Watch and enjoy!
7. You can't beat that balance! Buddy The Balancing Wonder Dog has set forth a challenge that no dog has yet equaled: balancing a fidget spinner on a ball on his head while balancing another spinner on his nose. What a talent! Check out Buddy's impressive video below.