Dog couldn't care less he's caught breaking the rules

For some individuals, rules were made to be followed; for others, rules were made to be broken. Then there are those personalities that break the rules for the challenge the law poses. Count Hazel the dog firmly in the latter category.
Hazel is too smart for her own good. She heads right for the lazy Susan cabinet in her owner's kitchen. Unbeknownst to Hazel, her every move is being recorded; somehow, it seems that Hazel would not much care even if she knew.
In the video, Hazel paws her way through the cabinet until she finds the bag she has been seeking. There she grabs ahold of the bag and begins to get into it. This snack isn't just any old human junk food: It is cheddar-flavored popcorn.
Once she has fulfilled her quest, Hazel takes the bag out of the cabinet, drops it on the floor and digs in. When the bulldog realizes someone is watching her, she picks up the bag in her mouth and carries it under the dining room table. After all, junk food is a guilty pleasure and is best enjoyed in the sneakiest way possible.
Surprisingly, there are many essential nutrients for dogs in popcorn ‒ plain popcorn, that is. These critical minerals include magnesium, zinc, fiber, phosphorus, and manganese. That said, just as it is for people, popcorn that is loaded with sodium and butter may cause a dog to gain weight or develop medical problems.
There is no need to panic for Hazel, though. Her owners keep a sharp eye on her and make sure she is eating properly, even when she sneaks some of her favorite snacks out of the cabinet.