Sorin Popa of Brasov, Romania, wanted to adopt a kitten so the new family dog would have a playmate. Rather than buying a cat from a pet store, she intended to visit the animal shelter and adopt a kitten that needed a home. What she did not know was that the kitten would find her family instead.
Popa and her family adopted a white dog named Dante in the fall of 2017, according to Love Meow, and they wanted to find him a kitten companion. Popa's sister knew the family was looking for a kitten and called Popa about a stray that had been found close to a construction site. Popa's family decided to take in the kitten, which obviously needed a home.

Sorin Popa
The tiny white kitten, which they named Abyzou, "was abandoned and very dirty, hungry, and smelled like trash," Popa said in an interview with Love Meow. Aby, as the family lovingly calls her, went to the vet to be cleaned and thoroughly checked out. Afterward, the family shopped for all the supplies they needed for their newest family member.
"The second day, they [Dante and Aby] started to smell each other but kept a little distance until we filled Dante's bowl with water, and Aby ran straight there to drink his water even though hers was full," Popa relayed to Love Meow. From that moment on, the two animals became inseparable.
The family had just moved into a new apartment and had no furniture to speak of, but that was fine with Dante and Aby. They found ways to entertain themselves, mimicking one another, standing on the balcony of the apartment watching people go by, and spying on their owners. They even discovered they could get into trouble together just as easily as by themselves.
A common sight is Dante and Aby curling up together to take a nap after a hard day of playing, watching and getting into trouble. Dante mimics his feline friend and tries to do whatever she does, even if it means crawling into a family member's lap for a nap. Aby and Dante may be a cat and a dog, but nobody has bothered to tell them this.
"They are adorable and make our lives more beautiful and exciting," Popa said. The day Abyzou wandered into the Popa family's lives is one they will always be thankful for.